Ready set, yeah!

Annisa Faradilla
2 min readJun 23, 2021

Mungkin untuk para “Wayzenni” sudah terdengar familiar ya dengan kalimat tersebut apalagi ketika membaca titlenya bisa sambil nyanyi ya hehehe. But that’s actually what I thought about #GenerasiGigih.

Kick Back — WayV. Source:

Sebelumnya, apa sih sebenernya #GenerasiGigih itu? Disini mungkin aku bisa ngejelasin secara singkat, #GenerasiGigih merupakan program yang diselenggarakan oleh YABB atau Yayasan Anak Bangsa Bisa dengan Gojek Indonesia dan program ini belongs to you who wanna fight and learning in technology. Honestly, I’m so grateful to be here and thank you so much for this chance to YABB x Gojek and I appreciate how this program is going.

This program is divided into three phases. In the first phase, we’ve got some online courses to learn by ourselves. So we should manage our time and complete them in about one month.

Nah, di fase ini juga terdapat webinar yang sangat insightful! Anyway, I got one lesson from that webinar #Igniteseries1, that is “we would comprehend something by unlearning it and relearning it again”. This statement works for me.

Every day I try to complete some of the courses and relearn them. By unlearning something, I thought that I got something new to know like “Oalah, begini ternyata fungsi kodenya”. And I’m not doin’ it once or twice but many times. But, it doesn’t mean I am master at it, nope. The more I know the more I’m feeling like I know nothing than everyone else. Because I realize that I’m that far from the people who have known this (especially for programming lessons) before the program is going.

Gettin’ Crazy in Learning. Source:

But well, I thought that this self-learning phase is actually showing how we manage our time in a day until the date is due. Talking about self-learning, it reminds me of webinar #Igniteseries2. In the phase of self-learning, the one thing that we should remember is to learn sufficiently. Learning by just reading and not executing is nothing. And don’t forget to always stick to our goals. This is how we try to commit ourselves as an engineer. We could do it by being a freelancer so we may find it hard to break the rules and could experience a lot.

So, maybe that’s all I could tell for what’s on my mind about #GenerasiGigih and #Igniteseries. If you learn and relearn it, you may get a new sight. And remember to execute it and you’ll be ready-set-yeah!

